Additional Information for European Students

Next Start of Studies at October 10th-12th 2024 Contact Us.
The University Gloucestershire Business School proudly presents their new European Centre of Research supported by IHP Institut für Hochschulentwicklung since more than 15 years.

The University of Gloucestershire is proud to offer both an established and European ranked professional doctorate (DBA) and the traditional Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). These two doctorate awards can be studied in the areas of business, engineering, technology, informatics, accountancy,entrepreneurial activities, marketing and strategic management.
Difference between DBA and PhD
Services from the ECR
We are offering all potential doctorate candidates with a number of unique services:
- Lectures on how to write a successful doctorate proposal for either DBA und PhD.
- Preparation for the prerequisite doctoral interview, with our on-boarding program.
- Organization of all personal meetings with the Course Leads and Teaching Team.
- Networking opportunities like our Research Café which connects you with other doctoral students at the University of Gloucestershire.
- Conferences and colloquiums throughout the year.
You are able to enrol as a doctorate candidate at the University after you have received an offer letter by the university.
Study Fees have to be paid directly to the University on a yearly basis, until you have submitted your thesis.
Current prices (September 2023):
Actual fees per year part time Study year 2023 from October:
PhD 7.820,- GBP
DBA 8.200,- GBP
Next Start of Studies at October 10th-12th 2024! Open for Applications now. Contact us.
Your academic journey
Irrespective of whether you opt for a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), which is a professional doctorate, or the traditional academic PhD: both doctorate programmes are underpinned with a doctoral taught stage to prepare you to be an independent researcher. All stages of the programme, which are run by expert doctoral lecturers from the university, will take place in different cities in Europe. Therefore enabling you to easily attend. There are also online webinars and workshops designed around your specific doctorial needs as you progress on your studies.
Beyond the taught stage, you will be supervised by a global team of doctorial supervisors, who are specialists in your subject area and / or research approach.
Success Stories
Prof. Dr Thomas Schiepp (German report)
Erfahrungen mit der Promotion an der University of Gloucestershire über IHP | INTERVIEW
DBA Modules
Reflective Professional Development
- Reflective practice from data to knowledge
- The purpose of reflection
- Skills of reflection
- Action learning spirals
Meet with learning sets - Priority to study
Systematic Literature Review
- Are the library shelves where things begin?
- Theories and concepts will shape your research
- Systematic literature review module
- Literature review is all about the search for patterns
- The craft of academic writing
- Developing your review takes effort
- You are what makes a literature review
- Defining the knowledge gap your research will address
Creating confident researchers
Methodological Fundamentals
An Introduction to Research Philosophy
- Philosophy for our times
- Epistemology – A history
- Think about the priority of study
- Traditional realist
- Action research
Social constructionism
Research methods and analysis
- Possible research methods
- Purposes of research
- Realism/ Positivism
- Types of survey
- Scaling
- Evaluation
- Scales of Measurement
- Questionnaire Analysis
- Constructivism
- Interviews
- Types of textual analysis
Contact Us
Are you looking for recognition as an expert in your field of business and a holder of a professional doctorate like a DBA? Or are you seeking a career in academia, like a professor at university, and are seeking for a PhD?
Call Us: +49 176 64371377
Weinäckerstr. 2
88094 Oberteuringen
Korand-Zuse-Platz 8
81829 München
University of Gloucestershire
Oxstalls Campus